I do have table which has data as in html tags.
I need to export these data to excel file as for report.
But since one of the columns has data as html tags, Image tags etc, How do i get plain text out of it?
For example :
If a row has data :
Truck 1
1497 pc
Projected time out on Day 3 will be around 4pm
I want as data in my excel as
Truck 1 1497 pc Projected time out on Day 3 will be around 4pm |
if only it is possible other wise seperate is
tag with comma.
and if data is image link ,

I just want the link in my excel .
This is my current function that returns with html tags
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[ufnGetProjectNotes](@ProjectID int)
RETURNS nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @projectNotes nvarchar(max);
SELECT @projectNotes =stuff( (SELECT ','+Notes
FROM [StoreDevelopment].[dbo].[ProjectNotes] p2
WHERE p2.ProjectID = p1.ProjectID
FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)')
FROM [StoreDevelopment].[dbo].[ProjectNotes] p1
GROUP BY ProjectID having projectid=@ProjectID;
RETURN @projectNotes;
How do i write the query ?