Received first time Microsoft MVP!

I am happy to share that I received Microsoft MVP Award yesterday! (Oct 01, 2012)
I would like to Thank All the c-sharpcorner community members & friends for helping me in achieving the same.

I would like to use some space to show my personal gratitude towards the following people. Adding little personal sides as this is my blog post other than technicals.
  • Dhananjay Kumar It was around 2 years back I met DJ for the first time, interestingly I was interviewing him :).  Seeing his MVP Cards & Vibes, I was quite inspired to be an MVP!  He recommended me to start writing each day whatever we learn.  His honest advice helped me in start with articles.
  • Mahesh Chand I remember about a post by Mahesh around 5 years back saying All Developer's should write.  At the time I was in a small firm and never experienced the community spirit.  But later his words given me some energy to start with the uncharted area & his encouragements through article comments.  He is a true leader for all the .Net Tech Authors.
  • Praveen Kumar I had a chance to talk with him when Destin Joy's prize came to my address :)  Then we had a little bit of talk and i came to know that he and Mahesh Chand are college mates. (Jay - Veeru kind of Friendship)  I am thankful to Praveen for supporting me through CSH without which I would not have grown.
  • Habib Z He was my manager and ex-employee of Microsoft, Dubai.   A true motivator and thinker, he chose my resume seeing the certifications.  He was the first person who adviced me to work towards Microsoft MVP.  I am thankful for his motivations & advices.
  • Sanoob K He is my friend, ex-colleague, thoughtful and a tiger-brand in SharePoint :) We started with SharePoint 2007, four years back and we were like minded in enjoying this technology.  I am thankful for his continued support in motivation & resolving my technical queries.

About the True Value of MVP
Above the Award, I am considering the MVP as a recognition towards the Learning & Sharing.  
Due to this target I have gone through immense feature exploration which otherwise in my day-to-day job was not needed.
So MVP made me Learn adding to the Confidence in technology.

I would like to say that the Indian MNCs are demanding more towards becoming managers, making a passionate developer loose his track.  I was one of such guy who was passionate in programming, but my colleagues / management wanted me to think towards becoming a successful manager!  Although i was able to turn around projects, create passionate teams, my thirst towards programming remained in the Crest as it was during my college days.  So working with Passionate Programmers, Article authoring, Programming & Helping others gives me immense happiness in life.

Above all, we are giving back to the community that helped us during our search for an important code.

So friends, co-authors, readers, motivators - Thank You All for the Support, I still wanted to continue as an active member of CSH!

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