The topic of the Service Bus Queue Trigger will be covered in this article.
How do I use Azure Service Bus?
The Azure platform houses Azure Service Bus, a message broker service that offers the ability to publish messages to various applications while also decoupling the applications. There are two types of Azure service bus: queues and topics. First-In-First-Out (FIFO) is the pattern used by Azure Service Bus Queues. Queues offer one-way communication, where the sender will add messages to the queue and the recipient will take those messages. The sender and receiver in queues have a 1:1 relationship. Until the receiver processes and completes the messages, they remain in the queue.
Using Azure Portal, create an Azure Service Bus Queue
To create a new Service Bus and Queue in Azure, follow the steps below.
- Sign into Azure and select the Create a resource option.
- Enter service bus in the search box and click on it.
![Azure Service Bus Queues]()
- Select the Create option. The Create Namespace page will appear.
![Azure Service Bus Queues]()
- Resource Groups are simply containers for your Azure resources. Service Bus is one of the resources, so if you have already created a Resource Group, select it; otherwise, click the Create button and give it a name.
- The Service Bus namespace contains multiple queues or topics. Namespace must have a distinct name.
- Fill out all the required information and then click the Review + Create button.
![Azure Service Bus Queues]()
- Check that everything is correct before clicking the Create button.
![Azure Service Bus Queues]()
- Before clicking the Create button, double-check that everything is in order.
![Azure Service Bus Queues]()
- It will take some time to create resources, so allow some time to complete the deployment.
![Azure Service Bus Queues]()
- When the deployment is finished, the Go to resource button will appear.
![Azure Service Bus Queues]()
- The Go to resource button will appear once the deployment is complete.
![Azure Service Bus Queues]()
- As a result, we've successfully created a new Service Bus. The following step is to create a Queue. Go to the Queues section in the left panel, click Queue, give the queue a unique name, and then click the Create button.
![Azure Service Bus Queues]()
- That's all. We've made our first queue.
![Azure Service Bus Queues]()