Learn $http Service In AngularJS


In this article, we will see what the $http service is in AngularJS and how to use the $http service along with a brief about other built-in services in AngularJS.

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There are several built-in services in AngularJS. $http is one of them. $log is also one of the built-in services available in AngularJS.

  • $http service is used to make HTTP requests to the remote server.
  • $http service is a function with a single input parameter object i.e. the configuration objects.

For more, kindly refer to this URL.

At the moment we will be using method and URL.

In our previous article, consuming web service in ASP.NET in AngularJS in our model, we used a get() method.

Get function method

Instead of that, we can use configuration parameters or we can use a method get() and URL of our web service.

var mypartone = angular.module("mymodule", []).controller("myController", function($scope, $http) {
        method: 'GET',
        url: 'EmployeeCheck.asmx/GetAllEmployees'
    }).then(function(response) {
        $scope.employees = response.data;

Let's save the changes and it should work as before.

Work as before

Shortcut methods like get, post, delete, etc., are also available with a $http request.

$http returns a promise object which means the functions are requested asynchronously. The data may be returned as not available immediately. We used the method in our previous article.

Now, similarly, I am going to pass the $log and pass a response to that.

var mypartone = angular.module("mymodule", []).controller("myController", function($scope, $http, $log) {
        method: 'GET',
        url: 'EmployeeCheck.asmx/GetAllEmployees'
    }).then(function(response) {
        $scope.employees = response.data;

Let's save our changes and reload the page.

Changes and reload the page

Now, press F12 for developer tools. In that, you will notice an object.

Notice an object

Click on the config object.

Config object

Now, you will see a method i.e. GET, and we have used URL service.

Similarly, we have got the data object. It will contain an array. We are displaying 2 rows. So, the array will be 0 and 1.

Data array

Similarly, it has status and status Text.

Status and status text

This $log is useful when you are debugging your Angular application.

If there is an error in processing the request, the error callback function is called. Notice, that we have used a then function in our model.

url: 'EmployeeCheck.asmx/GetAllEmployees'
.then(function (response) {
    $scope.employees = response.data;

We can also call another function called an error callback function when any error occurs.

So, let's create an error callback function.

function(reason) {
    $scope.error = reason.data;

Similarly, we can use $log also.


Now, we will bind that with our View error message.

<div ng-controller="myController">

And now, I renamed our function from GetAllEmployees to XYZ.

var mypartone = angular.module("mymodule", []).controller("myController", function($scope, $http, $log) {
        method: 'GET',
        url: 'EmployeeCheck.asmx/xyz'
    }).then(function(response) {
        $scope.employees = response.data;
    }, function(reason) {
        $scope.error = reason.data;

Now, let's reload the page.

Reload page

As you can see, we didn’t get any output and error message printed which we had bound in our View.

Press F12 to see the details.

Press f twelve

Invalid Operation.

Now, similarly, we can use the success callback function also.

So, let's take a variable and call it successCallback.

var SuccessCallback = function (response) {
    $scope.employees = response.data;

Similarly, we can create that for error callback.

var ErrorCallback = function(response) {
    $scope.error = response.data;

Now, in our then, we will see all success callbacks and error callbacks respectively. So, our final code is.

var mypartone = angular.module("mymodule", []).controller("myController", function($scope, $http, $log) {
    var SuccessCallback = function(response) {
        $scope.employees = response.data;
    var ErrorCallback = function(response) {
        $scope.error = response.data;
        method: 'GET',
        url: 'EmployeeCheck.asmx/GetAllEmployees'
    }).then(SuccessCallback, ErrorCallback);

Now let's reload the page we should get the data.

local host

Default transformation provided by Angular HTTP service. If the data property of the request configuration object contains a JavaScript object, it will automatically convert to a JSON object. As you can see in our model, it's a JavaScript object that we are passing to our web server.

Dollar HTTP

Similarly, if a JSON response is detected, it automatically converts to a JavaScript object.

Conclusion: So, this was all about the $http service in AngularJS.

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