In this article we’ll learn how to connect our Twitter account with Microsoft Azure Blob storage account and get the live tweets to Azure step by step.
Here are the steps:
Step1: Go to Microsoft account login page and type your login details.
Step2: Click “
Sign in” button.
For working on the Azure Portal, go to the “
HOME” button on the top of the window and click on it.
Click on “
First, I need to create a “Storage Account” and “Blob Container.”
So, go to “
Browse” and scroll down, and select “
Storage accounts (classic).”
You will see the following figure, click on “
Add” button to create a “Storage Account”.
In the name section give whatever name you want, I gave it “
storagenitintwitter.” I need to create a new “Resource Group” also. Resource Group is a place where I managed all the related account of particular storage account.
I gave “
IMNitin” name to my resource group.
Select the location of your storage. My location of the storage is “
East Asia”, so I selected East Asia. Click on “
Create” button.
Now, I need to create a “Blob Container” for the account, so just click on Storage Account and then “Blobs” to create a blob.
Now in the next window, click on “
Give the name to your Container, here I have given it “
nitincontainer.” Access type will be “Private” for your access only.
Click on “
Create” button.
Now, I need to create an “
Azure Blob Storage Connector.” Click on “Browse” and in the search panel type “
Click on “
In the search box type “
Azure Storage Blob Connector.”
Click on “
Azure Storage Blob Connector.”
Click on “
Create” button.
After clicking on “
Create” button, give the name for Blob Connector, here I have given it “Azure Storage Blob Connector.”
Then click on “Package Settings," it will ask for Blob Container Uri, so just go to your container and copy the path of Blob Container.
Click on “Browse” and go to your storage account.
Click on “
After clicking on “Blobs,” you will find your container, here my container is “
nitincontainer.” Whenever I click on it, it will redirect to container properties.
Click on “
Copy the “URL” from container properties.
Paste the copy “URL” over here in the package settings.
Click on to “OK” button.
In the App service plan, give the service plan name, I have given “
Select the “resource group” which is “IMNitin.”
And click on “
Create” button.
Now, I need to create our “Twitter Connector,” for it go to “Browse” and type “Marketplace.”
Click “
In search box, type “Twitter Connector."
You will find “Twitter Connector." Click on it as in the following:
Click on “
Create” button.
Here in the below figure, give the name for Connector, here I have given it “TwitterConnector."
Next is “Package Settings," after clicking on it you will be redirected to package settings window. This window will ask for “Consumer key” and “Consumer Secret."
For the “Consumer key” and “Consumer secret," go to the following
Note: Make sure for this process you should
log in to your twitter account.
Click on “
Create New App." ![new]()
After clicking on button, you will see the below page, here I need to create an application, where we can find our “Consumer key” and “Consumer Secret."
In the name section, I have given “StorageNitinTwitter."
In the description section, you can give any script; I have given “app for azure."
In the “Website” section, give the temporary “URL” over here, your applications publicly accessible home page, where users can go to download, make use of, or find out more information about your application. This fully-qualified URL is used in the source attribution for tweets created by your application and will be shown in user-facing authorization screens.
(If you don't have a URL yet, just put a placeholder here but remember to change it later.)
Check on “Yes," and then click “
Create your Twitter application."
I have successfully created an application of twitter, click on “
Keys and Access Tokens” on the top of the page, and copy the “Consumer Key” and “Consumer Secret” from here.
Paste both the keys over here in the “
Package Settings." Click on “
OK” button.
Select the app logic plan which is “
nitinlogicplan,” and select the resource group which is “
IMNitin." Click on “
Create” button.
So, I have successfully created my “Twitter Connector,” so now I need to copy the “URI” of the Twitter Connector and provide in the Twitter Application, in “Website” and “Callback URL” section.
Go to the “
Resource groups” and select the “
IMNitin” resource.
Here are all my apps in one resource, “
IMNitin” named resource.
For the “URL”, click on to “Twitter Connector."
Click on to “
Copy the “
Redirect URI” from here.
Paste the “URI” in “WebSite” and “Callback URL” in the twitter application page.
Click on “
Update Settings” button to save the details.
Now, I need to create logic app, so go to “
New," and select “
Web+Mobile," and select “
Logic App." ![new]()
Give the name to your logic app, here I have given “
NitinLogicApp” and select app service plan which is “
nitinlogicplan," select resource group which is “
IMNitin." Click “
Create” button.
For creating Triggers and actions, go to the “resources groups," click on resource group, which is “IMNitin," and select “NitinLogicApp," which is just created.
Click on “
Triggers and actions."
Select the “
Create from Scratch” panel.
Now, you will see following figure. I need to create recurrence where I get the schedule of the recurrence.
Click on “
Recurrence," right side of the window in resource group.
Choose the frequency and interval of the recurrence schedule, and click on the green check button.
Now, we need to create twitter connector, where I fetch my twitter applciation.
So just select the “
Twitter Connector."
Click on “
Authorize” button.
After clicking on the “Authorize” button, you will be redirected on twitter page for authorization.
Click on “
Authorize app."
Now I’m successfully fetching with twitter.
Click on “
Search Tweets” button, for the timeline of twitter account.
Give the query name to retrieve tweets from twitter. I have given the name “#
microsoftazure” to it.
Click on the green check.
Now I need to fetch with “
Azure Storage Blob Connector." Select the “
Azure Storage Blob Connector." After this, you will see the azure connector window (Number 2).
Click on to “
Upload Blob."
In the “
Blob Path” section, type the path “
/tweet.txt” and just click on rectangle button, and select “
Tweeted By” option from the dropdown.
Now click on “
Content” option and click on rectangle button, and select “
Tweet Text” option from the dropdown.
Click on the green check.
Click on to “
Save” button, to save the current actions.
Click on “
Run Now” button to run the triggers and actions.
We succeded AND got my live twitter data in the Azure Blob.
Click on to “
twitterconnector," after clicking you will find the “Inputs Link” and “Outputs Link."
Click on “
INPUTS LINK." ![input link]()
So, we can see the query, operations, authentication, and result.
Now click on “Outputs Link."
I have successfully fetched with Twitter data.
I hope you enjoyed this article. Stay tuned for upcoming articles and try this.
Thanks for reading
Connect (“Nitin Pandit”);
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