In one-way data binding we fetch data from a data source and display it in a user interface. That's it. So let's do it.
First of all we need to create the data source. Here I have created three properties and one static method and assigned respective values to the properties.
Add one class file to the project and provide it the name Customer.cs.
![cs code]()
Now it's time to create the user interface (View) that will show the data from the data source.
Add the following code to MainWindow.xaml:
![xmal code]()
Now we have created the data source and user interface but they are disconnected from each other.
I mean we need to connect our UI (View) to the data source for showing the data on the page.
Now, I will call the static method getCustomer() and assign the value to the DataContext object.
Add the following line of code to MainWindow.xaml.cs:
- DataContext = Customer.getCustomer();
Here we have created a UI (View) and data source. Then we have fetched the data from the data source and shown the data to the user interface (View). This is called one-way data binding. In my next article we will talk about two-way binding where we have a request and response model.